December 10

To Marianne Hapig and Marianne Punder:


Delp hiking in the mountains with a group of students (early 1940s)

That [the surprise visit from Tattenbach, allowing Delp to make his final vows on December 8] was a blessing, you good people.  I wouldn’t have allowed myself to dream of such a thing.  I had been feeling a bit depressed for some time before that, and during the novena I had begged for a sign of confidence and mercy on the 8th.  That it should come to me in such richness and loving-kindness:  this Jesuit brother’s visit with this gift!  Can anybody dare say now that heaven is silent and there is no living connection between heaven and earth?  Whenever an experience like this happens, it’s always uplifting.

Thanks to the two of you and to everyone else who helped with this blessed day.  Now life has finally, many times more, taken on its valid form.  My external destiny is now just an opportunity for passing the test of faithfulness.

That day has really lifted my spirits.  At first my nerves weren’t able to stand the fullness of the experience, and I’m afraid I became emotional.  But this is now my 20th week on the tightrope waiting for the start signal.  Perhaps that fact also accounts for some of it.

The fulfillment of many things depends on the confidence with which we expect them, hope for them, and pray for them.

Thanks very much!  I’m uniting your concerns with my own, and on Monday I said Mass especially for you.  The fulfillment of many things depends on the confidence with which we expect them, hope for them, and pray for them.  We mustn’t be lacking in that.  Please, let’s help each other, so that we don’t become weary.

The matter regarding Sperr would be important for me because a lot depends on it.  Is it possible to do anything?

I wish you both a good Advent Sunday, in the grace of the coming feast.
