December 15, 1944

To Franz von Tattenbach SJ [Delp is planning for his trial, which will take place in January]

The following idea is for consideration:

CCF09182014_00002The police people of the Reich’s head office of security have no notion of the political value in Count Moltke’s plans for after the war.  Please speak to Fr. Dold to see if it might be a good idea through “Hitler’s Mother” [an acquaintance of the Jesuits who had contacts within the Nazi Party] to set up an opportunity for Moltke to present his ideas to Himmler himself or to some political figure delegated by him.


Franz von Tattenbach SJ, Delp’s messenger between Berlin and Munich

If that were to happen, there’d be a lot gained for me as well, although the Sperr problem would still be hanging.  I have to leave that to God and place firm trust in him.  I’m learning to do that now.

Countess Moltke, who’s in the know, might perhaps come to Munich.