mid-December, 1944

To the Kreuser family [friends in Munich, where Delp’s mother Maria and his sister Greta’s daughter Marianne were staying]

Dear Friends,

CCF09222014_00011It’s time to send you a few good Christmas greetings.  May the night into which we have stumbled be broadened and transformed by God into the miracle of freedom and peace for you all.  We’ve certainly carried and suffered enough of Advent’s longing and sorrow.  But who is measuring and placing boundaries on this daily routine?

Whether I’ll be celebrating Christmas in heaven or on earth, I don’t know.  But who knows anything these days?  As it looks today, the date for the hearing is next week (19-20th).  It’s still a question.  I’m still confident that God is helping us across the tightrope.

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Delp’s mother Maria with her grand-daughter Marianne

Best wishes to everyone, and also to “Grandpa”.  I hope the children are growing up well.  That’s perhaps the last and best service for the time ahead:  continually planting the good seed in young hearts and minds.

Many thanks for your goodness and loyalty.  I wish I could pay you back in another way.  If God gives us another chance, I’ll try.  If not, I’ll try anyway….

Best wishes, and may God’s protection and blessing always be over you all.  God bless you.