To Marianne Hapig and Marianne Pünder Up to now there’s one obvious purpose. Help with further prayers. In Georg’s last letter there’s a possible way to get a go-between with Munich.  Otherwise Alfred Sebastian’s father can help.   To Franz von Tattenbach SJ   Dear Tatt, This week has been the hardest of...

To Marianne Hapig and Marianne Pünder Good people, [caption id="attachment_629" align="alignright" width="229"] Helmuth von Moltke[/caption]  Yesterday and today have been really bad days.  It would have been easier to go to Plötzensee than to suddenly be forced to endure the fate of isolation.  This vacation from the gallows...

  On January 23 Delp learned that Moltke and Sperr had been taken to Plὂtzensee and hanged. To Marianne Hapig and Marianne Pünder   Thanks for everything. God will find a solution.  Pray. Tell Tattenbach that Strassenberger is a classmate of Heinrich [Himmler] and his brother.  I’m praying for Pünder.  God...

To Marianne Hapig/Marianne Pünder   Good people, Heartfelt thanks for your trouble and worry on my behalf.  I’m now sitting at the pinnacle of absolute abandonment and waiting on God.  At last, all the cards have been taken out of my hands.  Before the trial, we still thought...

As he sat waiting in his cell, Delp’s creative energies were again released and he wrote meditations on the Lord’s Prayer which, as he told Luise, was written almost entirely in handcuffs, and “Come Holy Spirit”, which is the Sequence for Pentecost Sunday.   To Marianne Hapig/Marianne...

As he sat waiting in his cell, Delp’s creative energies were again released and he wrote meditations on the Lord’s Prayer which, as he told Luise, was written almost entirely in handcuffs, and “Come Holy Spirit”, which is the Sequence for Pentecost Sunday.   To Marianne Hapig/Marianne Pünder   Good...

To Luise Oestreicher Dear Luise, I’m still alive and still writing letters.  I feel your help a lot, and I still don’t know if this is the end or if God wants only to test my confidence to the limit.  I’m trying hard to be equal to...

To Marianne Häpig and Marianne Pünder   Good people, a heartfelt Sunday greeting! In the normal course of events, I should have been greeting you from the Other Side now.  Everything is happening in such a strange way.  Everything we do to help matters along ends in disaster. ...

To Luise Oestreicher   Dear Luise, By now you know how it went.  You’ll have received my letter of Thursday, which I expected to be the last day of my life.  How long I’ll be waiting here now, and if and when I’ll be killed, I don’t know. ...

To A. Dear Friend, may I call you that? Here before the threshold, matters and relationships come into clearer focus, and what is real and valid actually dares to reveal itself.  The extent to which we have been placed on shaky and unsteady ground is the extent...