
In the chapel of St. Stephen’s Monastery, set high among the giant outcroppings of rock that stand before the Pindos Mountains in central Greece, the nuns’ chanting of Vespers goes on and on as evening turns into night.  Their voices, singing in a minor key of mournful solemnity, become a drone, the unfamiliar sounds an incantation. The nuns themselves, draped in black cloaks, their faces framed with severe black bands, sit motionless...

One day in early January 1945, Freya von Moltke walked through bomb-gutted Berlin to visit Roland Freisler, the judge-presider of the show-trials that had been set up after the July,1944 failed attempt on Hitler’s life. At the trials, the defendants had to stand before Freisler, some forced to hold up their pants because suspenders and belts had been removed, while he mocked and humiliated them. Freya von Moltke An army officer in...